Growing slowly in my being
Unknown to me
Found by instruments
Unknown to me, in the beginning
And the surgeons are miners
Reaching with robots
Using remote controls
Searching grabbing cutting
Leaving the bed rock that is me
Stripped, bare, changed
An almost empty cavern
Laced now with pain and braces
Worried about unleashing other
Layers of distress
Wondering if the searchers
Will have to dig again
For other clusters of unknown worth
JE – Ovarian and Breast Cancer
The idea was not to simply illustrate but to soulfully respond.
When Heidi received the writings from Sharon’s students, she folded them in half and in half again. Then she placed them in a clear zip-lock bag. She could not wait to distribute them, but how? Randomly, she thought, always a fan of serendipity. As she pulled the zip-lock bag out of her supply basket announcing that the words had arrived, she asked everyone to take a deep breath, quiet themselves and set an intention to select the writing that they needed to receive.
On the east coast, Healing Icons® guided participants to create visually from their cancer experience. On the west coast, Dr. Sharon Bray offered expressive writing exercises. The writers sent their work to the artists who responded visually to their words. The artists sent their creations to the writers who responded accordingly. The two creative processes wove a stunning tapestry of feelings and connection.
In 2014 and 2015 this series was sponsored by the Center for Colon Cancer Research of the University of South Carolina. We thank them for their support.
“The primary benefit of practicing art, whether well or badly, is that it enables one’s soul to grow.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
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