If you are a survivor, you might have some questions

OK you are ready to leap in but you’re thinking…

I am not creative
It is our birthright to be creative. We will show you.
I can’t draw a straight line
Good we don’t like straight lines.
I have not had any art since elementary school
Excellent we will teach you to Look. See. Create.
I am not in active treatment
It doesn’t matter where you are on the cancer journey. You will know when the time is right.
I don’t want to come alone
You are free to bring someone who is journeying with you.

But why create art from the pain and struggle that comes with cancer?

When we step outside our diagnosis and courageously create, something magical happens. We get messy and dabble and play and through this, our many of our burdens are lifted. Studies have shown art-making can actually be good for you. Stress release = healthy immune system.

What are the benefits from participating in these workshops?


You will:

  • Have fun learning how to create a series of visual creations representing the current rumblings in your life
  • Discover a supportive nurturing community
  • Learn there is no right or wrong way to create
  • Cultivate time for art play = fun = rest
  • Quiet the thunderous roar of mind stuff
  • Begin to speak the silent powerful language of art
  • Open new avenues for expressing thoughts and emotions thus reducing fear and anxiety
  • Decrease stress and depression thus boosting the immune system
  • Unearth new perspectives on illness
  • Improve your quality of life
  • Provide your family and care givers insight into living with cancer

If you are thinking about sponsoring a series of workshops, or an exhibition, you might have some questions

But what are the benefits to my company?

It demonstrates that your institution:

  • Understands the importance of not only addressing the physical needs but also recognizes that the emotional, psychological and spiritual facets of who we are is equally relevant to the healing process
  • Is dedicated to the wellness, peace of mind and dignity of the whole person
  • Respects psycho-social and spiritual concerns
  • Is committed to compassionate empathetic care
  • Has allegiance to a complementary, holistic approach to health care
  • Is interested in building a network of understanding among your employees and the population that you serve