Arts and Medicine. Do It.

I came across this wonderful article from the Huffington Post by Iva Fattorini, Chair of the Global Arts and Medicine Institute at Cleveland Clinic, and had to share it. The following statements particularly resonate with me, as they reflect the Healing Icons mission and my personal passion: art as a vehicle for healing.

Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain. Carl Jung

Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.
Carl Jung

“Due to the rapid development of technology in the last 100 years, our attention was drawn to the physical realm, and we lost our connection with the deep and powerful mystery of our consciousness. Re-integrating arts and medicine can restore that connection.

“The power of our minds and our thoughts are biologically unexplainable in the full capacity they deserve. Our thoughts — positive or negative — are what trigger our brains to release the neurotransmitters that affect mood and health. Neuroimmunology teaches us that extensive bi-directional communication takes place between the nervous and the immune systems in both health and disease. In a simplified way: If ARTS affect emotions, and EMOTIONS affect health then arts affect HEALTH.

Our inspiring exhibition is always here

Our inspiring exhibition is always here – South Carolina Cancer Center. How awesome is that!

“We don’t question the existence of hospitals, because they take care of our bodies. We don’t question the existence of museums, concert halls or arts in other forms, because that’s how we express our emotions and address the needs of our mind and spirit. If humans comprise “body, mind, and spirit,” then why do we question the coexistence of arts and medicine? Why would it be so unexpected to see well-curated art on the walls of a hospital or hear beautiful live music in the waiting areas?”

Read the article in full here: Arts and Medicine. Do it.


  1. Ruth Bayard on March 11, 2015 at 9:03 pm

    I couldn’t agree more with this insightful article. Healing Icons enhances the medical process, certainly for me.

    • Heidi Darr-Hope on March 12, 2015 at 11:38 am

      Thanks for your remarks Ruth and we celebrate how the arts and medicine have become “friends.” We hope they continue to be long lasting companions!

  2. Ruth Bayard on March 12, 2015 at 4:06 am

    This article is so very true. Healing Icons was one of the most profound treatment plans I experienced 15 years ago.

    • Heidi Darr-Hope on March 12, 2015 at 11:42 am

      It is hard to believe it has been 15 years. I remember the profound Healing Icons you created around your cancer journey. We are looking forward to sharing them with our community in our 20th anniversary retrospective exhibition this October.

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